FFA senior parliamentary procedure, ritual teams to go to state

Seniors Jalynn Weilert and Karli Neher display their medals, as they were two of the members on the FFA senior ritual team who earned “Master.” A Master award in an FFA competition is the highest award one can earn; it means the competitor was the best out of all the teams in the contest. Hays High School FFA also had a greenhand team that placed first in par law and second in ritual. Both the greenhand and senior team will go to state over the summer from May 31 to June 4.
On Dec. 1 in Colby, the FFA senior parliamentary procedure team competed against 18 other teams, with that par law team placing first and the ritual team also finishing first.
The top two teams will proceed to state to compete, as this was only the Northwest District FFA Competition.
“It is a really big accomplishment when you have over 18 teams competing that day with six members on each,” FFA adviser and agriculture teacher Nikole Winter said.
With Hays being a 5A school, it is known for going to state for many things, like athletics, but FFA is becoming more well-known for doing well at competitions and receiving awards for their hard work.
“I think we would’ve been disappointed if we didn’t go to state,” senior Jalynn Weilert said. “So, it’s more like the thought of, ‘What if we don’t go to state?’”
Weilert and senior Karli Neher were two of the members on the senior ritual team who earned “master,” which is the highest award one Dcan get in FFA.
“Our chapter didn’t stay for awards because of the long drive back to Hays, so we didn’t have full results until the next day,” Neher said. “My friend and fellow Northwest District officer, Cappi Hoeting, stayed to receive awards, and she texted me, telling me I was Master Ritual. I was very grateful she let me know and even more grateful that she celebrated the success with me, especially since we were competed against each other.”
26kfischer@usd489.com & 26mvanek@usd489.com

Hi, I'm Kennedi Fischer, and I am a junior; this will be my second year on news staff. In school, I'm involved in color guard, band, and StuCo, and outside...