Seniors apply for colleges during ‘Apply Kansas’

The logo for “Apply Kansas”, it’s an annual statewide campaign in which high schools conduct events to help seniors apply to college.
Apply Kansas came to Hays High School on Oct. 19-20. The annual statewide campaign conducts events at Kansas high schools to help seniors apply to colleges with guidance from post-secondary volunteers and their counselors.
Seniors who wanted to participate went to the library during their Guided Personal Study and were given their ACT scores and high school transcripts, and they then applied to the schools they selected, with the help of counselors if needed.
“For many students, applying to college can be a daunting task,” counselor Amy Miller said. “But, it can be particularly overwhelming for students who may be the first in their family to pursue post-secondary educational dreams or have yet to consider their plans after high school.”
After applying, the students then got to sign a poster and received their choice of stress ball or other fidget toys. About 50 students submitted applications, and of those, because some submitted applications to multiple universities, 90 different applications were submitted.
Colleges also participated in this event by lifting their application fees; all colleges in Kansas lifted their fees besides Kansas State University, University of Kansas and Wichita State University.
“It’s a really good opportunity for students who may not have time or may not know everything they need to do to apply for college,” Miller said. “Hays has had this for a couple of years, and it’s very helpful for students.”