Journalism students win awards from KSPA
Hays High competed in the state Kansas Scholastic Press Association (KSPA) critique competition this year by entering three different issues of their newsmagazine, The Guidon.
Each school is rated on five categories, including coverage, reporting, visuals, design and leadership, and Hays High received All-Kansas ratings in all categories except one. Since it was rated All-Kansas in at least three categories, the newsmagazine was awarded an All-Kansas Award.
Journalism students also competed in the KSPA state contests this spring, and on May 7, results were announced, with Hays High placing fifth in Class 5A with 10 points.
Senior Ryan Schuckman placed first in Video PSA and fifth in Video Sports Promo, and junior Amedee Randle placed fifth in advertising.

Hi, my name is Eric Lucio, and I am a senior. I am the design editor for the newsmagazine, so I make the covers on our newsmagazine. This is my third year...