Journalism staffs spend Valentine’s Day at KSPA Conference
The Hays High newspaper and yearbook staffs enjoyed a day off of school on Valentine’s Day at the Kansas Scholastic Press Association (KSPA) conference at Fort Hays State University.
Hays High and other schools in the region gathered to learn more about all things journalism, with different sessions containing lessons such as “From Boring to Brilliant,” a 45-minute session teaching journalists how to make their stories more interesting.
There were four sessions for the students to attend, where they could pick between multiple lessons to go to. During the third session, though, all students attended a lecture from author and journalist Emilie Le Beau Lucchesi. Lucchesi taught the students about her path to becoming a journalist, and about her failure she endured to be able to become successful. She also answered questions from students that wanted to ask her anything about her life as a journalist.
After the lesson from Lucchesi, students went to their final session of the day, where many attended a tour of Tiger Media Network. The students were shown all of the rooms and equipment where the FHSU media team creates their productions.
Once the fourth session ended, students were able to leave FHSU and go to lunch in Hays at Thirsty’s, a popular restaurant in Hays. After lunch, students were dismissed and free to enjoy the rest of their Valentine’s Day.

Hi, my name is Eric Lucio, and I am a senior. I am the design editor for the newsmagazine, so I make the covers on our newsmagazine. This is my third year...