Student Council holds Indian Call meeting

On Wednesday, Jan. 5, the Hays High Student Council held a meeting in the Lecture Hall.

Typically, StuCo meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month. The main point of this meeting was to plan for the upcoming Indian Call dance.

This year, there will be a change to Indian Call.

“Rather than doing a formal assembly like done in years past, we are having a hype assembly where the candidates will be introduced,” sponsor Luke Lundmark said. “It will be like a mini pep rally.”

StuCo members were also sorted into committees to help with the dance. Six groups were made, including a games assembly committee, a spirit day committee, a hype committee, a display case committee, a dance decoration committee and an organization committee.

“I like that we have a lot of different committees because it helps divide the work into manageable sections,” freshman Jaynie Brooks said.