Student Council prepares for upcoming Indian Call week
On Wednesday, Nov. 3, Student Council started discussing Indian Call. After a vote, the official theme of the dance was decided to be “Winter Wonderland.”
On Tuesday, Nov. 16, an email containing the dance committee sign-up was sent out to StuCo members. The committees help set up and organize the dance.
The committees are the Games Assembly Committee (led by senior Alex Johnson), Spirit Days Committee (led by senior Grace McCord), Formal Assembly Committee (led by senior Jersey Johnson), Display Case Committee (led by senior Tyler Solida), Dance Decoration Committee (led by senior Caroline Robben) and Dance Tear Down Committee (led by senior Jocelyn Rigler).
The official dates for the dance have not been decided yet.

Hi, my name is Madighan Norris, and I am a senior this year. I am the editor of the Guidon! Next year, I want to go to KU and do something in STEM.