Leadership Team holds meeting with freshmen in Gym A

On Thursday, Oct. 7, Leadership Team met with freshmen in Gym A.
There, they separated freshmen into their Academies and divided up in different areas of the building. Academies for Augustine, Balman, Brooks and Fenwick stayed in Gym A; Gillian, Hickel and Lundmark retreated to the Multi-Purpose Room; and Tebo, Thacker and Winter went to Gym B.
Leadership Team then discussed Homecoming activities like theme days, float building, involvement, and the dance. They also talked about success tips, freshman goals and study habits with the ninth graders. Leadership members reminded freshmen that grades and skills count and that communicating, turning in assignments, utilizing time, making good first impressions and having accountability are all important.
Lastly, freshmen filled out a questionnaire about their own school habits.
“The purpose of the Leadership activity was to check up on how the freshmen were doing with high school now that they’ve settled in,” junior Meg Taggart said. “We gave information about upcoming events, like Homecoming, and answered any questions they might’ve had.”

Hi, my name is Madighan Norris, and I am a senior this year. I am the editor of the Guidon! Next year, I want to go to KU and do something in STEM.