Journalism students to be inducted into Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society

The Quill and Scroll Journalism Honors Society has been reintroduced to the school this year. On May 12, ten students will be inducted into the chapter.
The induction ceremony for the new Quill and Scroll Journalism Honor Society is set to take place on Wednesday, May 12 at 7 p.m. in the Lecture Hall.
While Hays High has been a chartered member of the international organization since 1932, its involvement in the organization has been on and off over the years since. Journalism adviser Jessica Augustine said she thought that now was a good time to restart the group.
Augustine said that, at the first school she taught at, Kapaun Mt. Carmel, her journalism students were active in the organization.
“I think it provides a good opportunity for student journalists to be recognized outside of just the contests they compete in,” Augustine said.
On May 12, 10 newspaper and yearbook students will be initiated into the club, including seniors Allison Brooks, McKena McBride, Alexis Pfannenstiel, Hope Schumacher and Fernando Zarate and juniors Jersey Johnson, Leah Legleiter, Aaliyah Neuburger, Brenna Schwien and Nikka Vuong. New members will be able to compete in special contests and work on service projects.
“Not only is it meant to allow them to open more opportunities to them, such as contests and scholarships, but we will do at least one service project a semester that somehow relates to journalism, photography or literacy,” Augustine said.
At Kapaun Mt. Carmel, Augustine said that some of the service projects included book drives for daycares and hospitals and events for Scholastic Journalism Week. When club meetings start next year, members will get to decide what projects they want to take on.
Schwien said she plans on running for one of the available leadership positions within the club when it restarts next fall.
“I am excited for it to start because it seems like a fun opportunity, and I have really enjoyed my involvement in journalism throughout high school,” Schwien said.

Allison Brooks is a senior, and this her fourth year in newspaper. Outside of newspaper, she is involved in DECA, Scholars Bowl, National Honors Society...