Officer Burkholder visits freshmen to discuss alcohol, drug abuse
On Thursday, March 11 and Friday, March 12, Hays Police Department officer Josh Burkholder talked to the freshman class during their Health and Wellness classes about his experiences in law enforcement and the consequences of drug and alcohol use and abuse in the community.
Freshmen are currently learning about alcohol, drug and tobacco abuse in Health and Wellness.
“I think this is important for our freshmen to be informed on the effects of drugs and alcohol and how every decision we make can carry a consequence,” Health and Wellness instructor Haley Wolf said. “The hope with this unit is that our students will go on to make good choices that are beneficial to their health.”
Students in the class said they enjoyed the presentation and what Burkholder had to say.
“I really liked him,” freshman Corben Avery said. “I learned why it is important to stay away from drugs because it could have long-term effects.”
Freshman Xavier Ellis agreed with Avery that he learned a lot from Burkholder.
“I thought he was interesting and talked for a good amount of time,” Ellis said. “I learned about the problematic drug use in Ellis County.”
Another freshman, Aubree Thomas, said she thought Burkholder was interesting also.
“I think he spoke very well in front of us and taught us a lot of things we didn’t know before,” Thomas said. “I learned a lot more information about the issue of drugs that is growing in teens.”

Maysyn Tippy is a sophomore and second-year reporter for The Guidon. In her free time, Maysyn loves spending time with her amazing friends and family....