Red Cross Club hosts blood drive
The annual Spring blood drive was held at Hays High on Thursday, March 4.
Red Cross Club hosted the annual Spring blood drive on Thursday, March 4.
Staff and students were able to sign up for the blood drive near the cafeteria or through sponsor Jayme Goetz. Those who were 16 years old could donate with a parent signature, and those 17 years old and above could sign up without one.
Due to COVID, only students and faculty were allowed to donate blood.
“We really had to limit the number of outside donors that were present this year, so many parents and community donors were not able to donate,” Goetz said.
Face masks and temperature checks were required at the door for those who were donating.
“Some people did not like wearing masks while donating, but we all survived,” Goetz said.
Goetz said the Red Cross Club had a difficult time finding people to sign up to give blood this year. Forty-one units of blood were collected from the drive.
“We had much less than our previous years,” Goetz said. “I am a little disappointed that we did not meet our goal of 48 units, but I am grateful that we at least got that many units since COVID made everything so different this year.”

McKena McBride is a senior, and this is her third year in newspaper. She is involved in tennis, StuCo, National Honor Society, Leadership, Yearbook, Red...