Free ACT and ACT WorkKeys to be hosted for juniors

The ACT WorkKeys tests students in the areas of applied math, graphic literacy, and workplace knowledge.
Hays High will be hosting the free ACT and ACT Work Keys tests for all juniors. The ACT will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 23, and the ACT Work Keys will be on Feb. 24. This is a statewide opportunity for participating schools in Kansas.
The testing will take place in Gyms A and B, and every student will be spaced at least six feet apart from each other.
“This will take anxiety away so students can just focus on testing and not worry if anyone is too close to them,” assistant principal Fred Winter said.
The ACT is a college readiness exam, and the ACT Work Keys is a career readiness exam.
“This is an opportunity for students to have the test paid for, but it also prepares them for how the test works if they end up needing to retake the test,” Winter said.
The Work Keys is for students who plan on bypassing college and going straight into the workforce. Instead of a number score, they receive a platinum, bronze, silver or gold certification that can go on their resumes.
“There are some employers who specifically look at the Work Keys, and that may bump them in pay when they start or just give them a better chance at getting the job over another applicant who may not have it,” Winter said.
Hays High’s ACT scores are above the national average and are leading in the state.
“At Hays High, we are very proud of our ACT scores,” Winter said. “Teachers here do a great job at preparing students for taking the test.”

Allison Brooks is a senior, and this her fourth year in newspaper. Outside of newspaper, she is involved in DECA, Scholars Bowl, National Honors Society...