Students sign up for concurrent credit for spring semester

Students and parents enroll for spring concurrent credit on Jan. 13 in the Hays High library.
Spring concurrent credit enrollment took place on Jan. 13 in the Hays High library from noon to 5:30 p.m.
Several classes are available through both North Central Kansas Technical College and Fort Hays State University. NCK Tech offers Sociology, Advanced Placement U.S. History and AP U.S. Government & Politics at $112 per credit hour.
Fort Hays offers AP English IV, Psychology, Physics, Human Biology and Calculus Methods, as well as College Algebra, Fundamentals of Oral Communication and Introduction to Computer Information Systems, all three of which must be taken for concurrent credit. Fort Hays offers the classes at $125 per credit hour.
NCK has no requirements to enroll for concurrent credit, but they highly recommend only enrolling if the student has a core GPA of “C” or higher.
FHSU, on the other hand, requires that the student have either an ACT score of at least 21, a Selection Index on the PSAT/NMSQT of 150 or higher or a STAR reading score at least in the 50th percentile to take any of their classes, aside from College Algebra.
To take College Algebra, a student must have at least an 18 on both the math and science portions of the ACT, and they must combine to equal at least 40, pass Advanced Algebra II with a C- or better both semesters or score a 15 or higher on the FHSU math placement exam.
“Concurrent Credit allows students to ‘knock out’ some of their general education requirements, which could allow them to graduate earlier from college,” counselor Suellyn Stenger said. “Some students and parents choose this path while others wait as they may earn scholarships to pay for the classes.”

Emry Lundy is a senior, and this is her second year in newspaper. She is involved in the Fall Musical, Spirit Club, Leadership Team and Scouts, and she...