Library staff hosts Kansas City Chiefs Trivia on March 4

Jersey Johnson

Administors Lance Krannawitter and Martin Straub think about an answer for the Kansas City Chiefs Trivia in the Library. Straub and Krannawitter ended the trivia in first place.

On March 4, the Hays Public Library and Hays High Library staff hosted a “Are You Smarter Than A Staff Member?” event. The event was a Kansas City Chiefs trivia competition that took place in the library during PRIDE Time.

On the staff team for this trivia event were administrators Lance Krannawitter and Martin Straub. There was a total of three student teams that participated in the event, with each team consisting of two people.

The top three student teams received prizes from participating in the event. The options for prizes this time were Arby’s free meals and McDonald’s bundles.

In first place was the staff member team, in second place was sophomore Garrett Wellbrock with substitute teacher Kyler Kinnamon, who subbed in for senior Josh Haynes, and in third place was junior Jason Krannawitter and sophomore Jace Linenberger.

The next trivia event will be Disney themed and will take place on April 1 in the library during PRIDE Time. The deadline to register to this event is March 20. You can register through a Google Doc that can be found in the slider on the school’s website.

“I feel like it went really well,” library staff member Erin Holder said. “It was a very small event, which I was afraid would happen because of the topic. It is not as widespread as some of the other topics we will be focusing on. But, everyone had a GREAT time! It was lots of fun.”