Students choose classes for upcoming school year
Junior Zach Chance looks over the classes he just for his senior year.
Over the past week, freshmen, sophomores and juniors have been working on completing pre-enrollment for the upcoming school year.
During PRIDE Time, students used Career Cruising to choose their required classes for next year and also select the electives that they want to take.
Starting on Feb. 28 during GPS, students will meet with their counselors to discuss the classes they planned to make sure they are meeting the requirements for graduation credits.
The school offers a large amount of courses in many different fields of study, so choosing elective classes can be a daunting task for some.
“I choose some advanced math and science classes, but I took it easy on my electives,” junior Sophia Garrison said. “I wanted to find a good balance of working hard my senior year but still being able to relax.”
The classes a student chooses to take can affect that student’s whole school year and also contribute to his or her career goals, so students should plan carefully for what classes they want to take.
“I definitely found it hard to choose what classes to take next year because I have most of my credits filled up, and I don’t really know what I want to do after high school,” junior Zach Chance said.

Allison Brooks is a senior, and this her fourth year in newspaper. Outside of newspaper, she is involved in DECA, Scholars Bowl, National Honors Society...