FHSU hosts a guest speaker during teacher in-service

Tara Martin was a guest speaker, brought in by FHSU. She is an educator and the author of the book “Be REAL.”
During the teacher in-service on Jan. 20, Fort Hays State University (FHSU) hosted a guest speaker, author and educator Tara Martin.
The in-service had schools from all over the region, from the Hays school districts to schools in Victoria, Ellis and Russell.
“It’s called Tiger Teacher Nation, because so many of the teachers that teach in this area of the state come from FHSU,” principal Martin Straub said. “So, it’s the education department, and USD 489 just happened to have the biggest building to host it.”
Martin grew up in Topeka around poverty, where she had seen some violence she should not have seen as a kid, Straub said.
Martin then had a teacher in her second-grade year that influenced her to better her life.
“[The teacher] just made a difference and believed in her,” Straub said. “She spent a lot of time with [Martin] before school, and when the other kids would be reading, she would take her in and help her read.”
The speaker was directed towards making a difference, Straub said.
“It was about being that person that spends extra time when you find that kid that needs a leg-up,” Straub said.
Martin wrote a book about her experience, called “Be REAL.”
“It was just very inspiring, a young lady with a negative up-bringing with a positive ending,” Straub said. “The whole idea was to give your best effort. Connect with the kids. That is what I got out of it.”

Allison Hillebrand is a senior at Hays High. She is involved in the newspaper, DECA, orchestra, leadership and National Honor Society. She will be attending...