Taylor Kriley, Tre Giles speak to students about civic engagement
Interim VP Student Affairs Taylor Kriley has a bachelor’s degree in Communication and a master’s degree in School Counseling. Student Engagement Coordinator at Fort Hays State University Tre Giles studied Organizational Leadership.
Interim Vice President of Student Affairs Taylor Kriley and Student Engagement Coordinator at Fort Hays State University Tre Giles spoke to students during PRIDE Time on Dec. 2.
Both Kriley and Giles gave introductions and shared their experiences with civic engagement.
“Some of y’all may know me from coaching around here; I was a youth pastor in town for a while,” Giles said. “Right now, I get to work under Taylor and just serve students. What we wanted to come do today was just talk about civic engagement, have some question and answer and tell some stories.”
The student engagement office at FHSU houses everything done outside of the classroom.
“Being involved in something outside of what you’re doing for academic course work, is what Trey and I do,” Kriley said. “We help students get connected and involved on campus and in our community. So, that they can build their resume. So, you can all get a job when you graduate from college and kind of get some experiences in different fields.”
Kriley said she enjoyed coaching and mentoring others as well as civic leadership throughout different organizations.
“We get to help you find what your passionate about and get connected to that passion and get some work experience,” Kriley said.
Kriley and Giles ended the speech with any questions students had for them.
“We both have unique experiences and civic engagement has been a big part in both of our careers and student engagement experiences,” Giles said.