Guitar Club recieves donated guitars
Guitar Club has meetings every Wednesday. Students are able to participate and learn how to play the guitar without owning one.
Guitar Club recently received three donated guitars from people within the community. The guitars donated to the club are used guitars.
In total, there have been nine guitars that were donated to the program. Students have the opportunity to take those guitars home and practice their skills without having to buy their own guitar.
“It gives students the chance to figure out if they really want to learn how to play the guitar,” sponsor Matt Whitney said. “We have had a lot of success with [loaning guitars].”
As for how the donations have come about, last year, Whitney posted on Facebook that he was looking for any donated guitars.
“The last couple years I received a couple,” Whitney said. “This year, I have gotten a number of guitars, as the club has grown.”
Guitar Club started with five students but currently has around 21 students participating.
“I’m always looking for donor guitars,” Whitney said. “So, if anybody is out there that would like to donate guitars, that would be great!”