Orchestra students attend annual Western Kansas Orchestra Festival
Orchestra students from both the middle school and high school attended the Western Kansas Orchestra Festival on Nov. 22-23.
Orchestra students attended their second trip of the year to Great Bend on Nov. 22-23, where they played at the Western Kansas Orchestra Festival (WKOF).
WKOF is attended by middle and high schools in Western Kansas and is split into two different orchestras with different music.
Students from each school are given the opportunity to audition for chairs in each orchestra. From Hays, sophomores Sydney Wittkorn and Kiersten Goertzen auditioned, as well as juniors Alexis White and Alisara Arial.
Wittkorn tied for first chair, while Arial, Goertzen and White all received second chair for their section. Those in second chair each were only docked one point during their audition.
Due to the proximity of the festival and a convention in Great Bend on the same weekend, the orchestra did not stay overnight. However, they did have to make two round trips for practice on Nov. 22 and for the concert on Nov. 23.
“Of course, there was also a fun weather event,” instructor Joan Crull said. “We ended up leaving later and having to audition later, but that was okay. Better to be safe than sorry.”
Crull said she was proud of the patience the group had and of everyone who had attended the festival.
“Many of the students made principal chair or assistant principal chair,” Crull said. “Plus, they all played and worked hard to learn their music.”

Allison Hillebrand is a senior at Hays High. She is involved in the newspaper, DECA, orchestra, leadership and National Honor Society. She will be attending...