Representative Barb Wasinger speaks to students during PRIDE Time
Barbara Wasinger, representative in the Kansas House for the 111th district, spoke to students during her career presentation on Oct. 23.

Senior Levi Hickert asks questions to Representative Barbara Wasinger during her career presentation on Oct. 23.
Wasinger serves on four committees in the House, including Taxation, Higher Education Budget, Financial Institutions and Pensions, and Joint Rules and Regulations.
She had previously been an Ellis County Commissioner for the second district in Ellis County, the first woman to hold the position of Commissioner in Ellis County history.
“During my second term as commissioner, I was asked to run for the state representative position,” Wasinger said.
Wasinger said her husband and her friend, Sue Boldra, were extremely encouraging and helpful in her run for office.
“[Boldra] leaned over and grabbed my hand and said, ‘Barb Wasinger, I have been praying for you to say this,’” Wasinger said. “So, I guess I was supposed to.”
During the election process, Wasinger said she faced a lawsuit from the opponent, after she had won by a varying amount of votes during each recount. The lawsuit was eventually dropped.
“I want you to try new things,” Wasinger said. “If it doesn’t work, don’t get down on yourself. It just means there is a different avenue you should be going down.”

Allison Hillebrand is a senior at Hays High. She is involved in the newspaper, DECA, orchestra, leadership and National Honor Society. She will be attending...