Travis Hageman answers student questions about firefighting
Firefighter and EMT Travis Hageman had to be called back to the station during the presentation, but he still had the chance to answer a few of the students’ questions. A total of 15 students attended the meeting in the vocal room.
Firefighter and EMT Travis Hageman presented to 15 students in the vocal room on Oct. 2 during Pride Time.
Although the meeting was cut short by an emergency call to which Hageman left to respond, Hageman had the chance to answer a few questions from the students.
He said his favorite part of his job was the camaraderie between him and his coworkers.
“It’s like a big family of 24 people,” Hageman said. “We all look out for each other.”
Hageman encouraged students to pursue firefighting and other medical and law enforcement teams.
He said there are often tough calls to respond to, and there is always the possibility of witnessing things that cannot be unseen, but to him, there is no better job in the world.
“You get to help people,” Hageman said. “It truly is a hands-on job.”
Junior Morgan Noone was one of the presentation’s attendees.
“I’ve always been interested in going into emergency medical services,” Noone said. “Both of my parents are in the medical field, so I guess it’s in my genes.”

Caitlin Leiker is a senior, and this is her third year in newspaper. She is involved in Chamber Singers, Musical, Spring Play, National Honor Society,...