2019 Musical cast list for ‘Anything Goes’ announced

This years musical will be doing the 1987 version of ‘Anything Goes’. The musical performance is scheduled to be on Nov 14-17.
Musical director Alex Underwood posted the cast list for this year’s musical, “Anything Goes,” after school on Sept. 13.
Around 45 students auditioned, and the performance dates are scheduled for Nov. 14-17.
Underwood said the musical will offer a new set of challenges this year.
“It is such an old show that the style of acting is very different than modern contemporary realism, so that is going to be interesting,” Underwood said. “The other thing is the amount of tap dancing that has to happen for the show. We are putting every single cast member in tap shoes for at least one of the numbers. It is going to be really awesome once everybody gets it put together.”
The cast list for this year’s show is as follows:
Reno Sweeney – sophomore Shirley Lee and junior Caitlin Leiker
Hope Harcourt – junior Alisara Arial
Evangeline Harcourt – senior Katelyn Engel
Lord Evelyn Oakleigh – junior Tom Drabkin
Elisha Whitney – junior Andrew Duke
Billy Crocker – junior Gabe McGuire
Moonface Martin – junior Kai Kaufman
Erma – senior Hanna Dannar
Luc – junior Alexis White
Jean – sophomore Matthew Bollig
Captain – junior Ashley Vilaysing
Purser – senior Sierra Adkins
Dance Ensemble:
Purity – junior Anna Brull
Chastity – senior MarieLyn Castaing
Charity – freshman Jessica Leiker
Virtue – freshman Savanna Lawson
Sailor 1 – senior Nathan Leiker (dance captain in charge of rehearsals w/o choreographer)
Sailor 2 – sophomore Alex Flavin
Sailor 3 – sophomore Sydney Wittkorn
Sailor 4 – sophomore Stanna Flinn
Principle Ensemble:
Fred – senior Mulu Bannister
Henry T. Dobson – sophomore Carson Brooksher
Newspaper Photographer – junior Zachary Chance
Reporter – sophomore Tegan Hartman
FBI Agent 1 – sophomore Samantha Vesper
FBI Agent 2 – sophomore Jocelyn Rigler
Old Lady in a Wheelchair – junior Eliana Buller
Singing Sailor 1 – freshman Seth Tripp
Singing Sailor 2 – sophomore Alex Johnson
Singing Sailor 3 – senior Nathan Leiker
Singing Sailor 4 – freshman Quinton McGuire
Freshman Elizabeth Dickman
Freshman Michaela Dickman
Freshman Devlyn Jochum
Sophomore Emry Lundy
Sophomore Macy Meyers
Freshman Spenser Mills
Sophomore Summer Schneider
Sophomore Gracie Wente
Freshman Aidan Gregory
Sophomore Gabe Nichols
“I’m really looking forward to this musical because I think it fits our students really well,” Underwood said. “I’m excited to watch them tackle the show.