Concurrent credit enrollment begins for students
Concurrent credit enrollment for Fort Hays State University (FHSU) and Barton County Community College takes place in the Lecture Hall at Hays High on Jan. 15 from noon to 5:30 p.m.
Fall semester of 2018, 114 students were taking concurrent credit, totaling 147 credit hours.
For students interested in enrolling in concurrent credit courses, they must meet the eligibility requirements for the class.
“They must meet at least one of the requirements,” counselor Amy Miller said. “It is part of the agreement from FHSU.”
To enroll in FHSU classes, a student must meet the criteria of an ACT composite score of at least 21, a PSAT Selection Index of t least 150, SAT combined verbal and mathematical score of at least 1000, or a STAR Reading score of at least 50th percentile.
College Algebra provides different requirements, an ACT math and science subtest total of at least 40 or a score of at least 15 on the FHSU math placement exam.
“We no longer offer the plan test so if a student doesn’t have any of the other requirements, the other option would be a STAR test,” Miller said.
Students who qualify for Barton classes may also receive the Boost scholarship if they are on free and reduced lunches up to six credit hours for free, Miller said.
“That is something I am not sure people understand,” Miller said. “Fort Hays also does scholarships, so if a student takes a class through Fort Hays, Fort Hays will subtract $45 per credit hour, if the student chooses to go to FHSU their senior year.”
Students should aim for A’s or B’s in their concurrent credit classes, due to the fact that C’s may bring your college GPA to a 2.0.
“If you would have been eligible for renewable scholarships, you have to keep your grade high,” Miller said. “A lot of them require a 3.0 or higher.”

Allison Hillebrand is a senior at Hays High. She is involved in the newspaper, DECA, orchestra, leadership and National Honor Society. She will be attending...