Dance team to come in January
Just recently it was announced that beginning in the middle of January, there will be a dance team that will perform at the half times of the girls basketball games.
A meeting was held on Dec. 18 for any students interested in trying out for dance team. Junior Ashley Wilson attended the meeting.
“My freshman year I tried out for the dance team and made the team,” Wilson said. “Shortly after, it was announced that the dance team would no longer be available, leaving me and many others disappointed.”
In order to learn the tryout routine there are scheduled practices on Jan. 2-4 and Jan. 7 at 6 pm to 8 pm and on Jan. 8 at 6 am. Tryouts are scheduled to be Jan. 10 at 6 pm, where the coach will determine who makes the team. Anyone is able to attend the practices and tryout for the team regardless of their dance experience.
“I’ve been in dance since I was three years old ,” Wilson said. “This is such an amazing addition to Hays High and I can’t wait to be able to perform in front of my peers.”

Madison Weber is a junior and this is her third year in newspaper. She is ecstatic to be the online editor-in-chief and she plans to strive for Pacemaker...