DECA visits senior center for help with service project
DECA students went to Brookdale Senior Living Center on Wednesday, Nov. 14 to work with the residents there on a service project.
“The purpose of the trip is to spread awareness about the Ronald McDonald House Charities to another generation,” senior Kallie Leiker said.
With the residents they glued wish list items for the Ronald McDonald House Charities to stockings and then they painted them and used glitter glue.
“We had so much participation, and the residents really enjoyed helping us,” senior Isabelle Braun said.
The stockings will be delivered to churches around town so that they can hang them up and raise awareness.
This year they have put a focus on raising awareness for the RMHC to all the different generations in our community.
“It was so much fun being there with them and having that opportunity to work with them for a cause that helps so many people,” Braun said.

Allison Brooks is a senior, and this her fourth year in newspaper. Outside of newspaper, she is involved in DECA, Scholars Bowl, National Honors Society...