Site Council meeting discusses important upcoming events
At the Site Council meeting, instructor Johnny Matlock introduced his program, JAG-K.
The Hays High Site Council held their most recent meeting on Nov. 7 at 5:30 p.m.
Site Council president Rob Kennemer introduced himself, as well as having the attendees introduces themselves.
Recent advancements were mentioned, including the 489 Foundation Fundraiser, the National Honor Society induction and the Press Box fundraiser.
The council had advisors from the Academic, Athletic and Music Booster Clubs speak on past and upcoming events.
Member Jennifer Teget said the Athletic Booster Club is currently working on scheduling, due to the school’s rise to 5A status. They also are deciding whether they will host the Hays City Shootout.
“The Hays City Shootout is not a moneymaker,” principal Martin Straub said. “We do not want to cancel it, we just cannot continue to host it.”
Member Tim Kershner spoke on behalf of the Music Booster Club. Kershner mentioned the musical beginning Nov. 8, KMEA auditions and Western Kansas Orchestra Festival on Nov. 16.
The entire school will be released at noon on Nov. 16 and lunch will begin serving around 10:35 a.m.
At 1 p.m. that day, administration will work in the library with police officers to work on drug recognition.
“We are giving the orchestra our building, except the library,” Straub said. “There are new drugs we need to be able to recognize, so we will be working on that.”
Staff updates from instructor Matthew Whitney included the Chess Club, the Foreign Language Department, and the Human Services class. There are currently 25 children involved, under the age of four.
Helping Hands was also praised for their work decorating the tables for the 489 Foundation Fundraiser.
Counselor Suellyn Stenger added to Whitney’s information by stating the Tribe Art Club has 35 members and will be showing work at the art walk at Breathe Coffee House on Dec. 7.
Stenger touched on the free ACT for juniors and seniors who have not taken it on Feb. 20.
“All juniors will take the ACT or the ACT work keys,” Stenger said. “They can take both if they want, but they have to take at least one.”
Straub covered ACT scores and participants from last year, but made sure to save time for Johnny Matlock’s demonstration about the JAG-K program.
Matlock explained the program, as well as its significance to the students and what he must do to continue to receive funding.
Student Body President Peyton Thorell represented the students at the meeting.
Student Council is hosting a dodgeball tournament to raise money for the Ellis High School Principal who has been diagnosed with Leukemia. They also are thinking about starting talent show tryouts on Dec. 4. The talent show will then be held after Christmas Break.
“I think it is important that they hear something from a student’s point of view,” Thorell said. “We just know what is going on with us more than they do. We are more involved in our own lives.”

Allison Hillebrand is a senior at Hays High. She is involved in the newspaper, DECA, orchestra, leadership and National Honor Society. She will be attending...