Journeys and Destinations hosted at Hays Medical Center
An event introduced by the Kansas University Medical Center, Journeys and Destinations, took place at the Hays Medical Center on Nov. 7.
During this event, students receive presentations from a wide variety of health care specialists.
Students in attendance were seniors Logan Harris, Madison Flax and Kallie Leiker, and juniors Lucas Pfannenstiel, Taylor Weidenhaft, Justice Dotts, and Natalie Taylor.
The event began at 8:30 a.m.
Each profession is set at a certain station, where students could listen to the specialist.
Some stations included radiology, chiropractic, operating room technician and obstetrical nurse.
“I heard about this from my counselors and immediately signed up,” Leiker said. “I decided to go because I want to get as much information as I can about the health care field because that is what I want to go into.”
Leiker said she showed up a bit late, due to Community Ambassadors that morning. However, some students were able to spend the entire day there, such as Natalie Taylor.
“I decided to go because I hope to go into the medical field for a career,” Taylor said. “I hope to continue into nursing or radiology in college, I am not 100 percent sure which one yet.”

Allison Hillebrand is a senior at Hays High. She is involved in the newspaper, DECA, orchestra, leadership and National Honor Society. She will be attending...