Pit orchestra assists in live music for ‘Bright Star’ musical

The pit orchestra provides live music to assist the cast. “Live music makes the singers sound better, and just the entire production better,” instructor Joan Crull said.
During musical season, the cast members are not the only ones working to learn the score. This year’s musical, “Bright Star,” requires accurate background music, just as previous musicals have used.
This background music is provided by the pit orchestra, a group of students, alumni and teachers dedicated to aiding the musical.
The members of the pit orchestra consist of sophomores Cami Moore on the bass and Alisara Arial on the viola, and seniors Carl Rorstrom on the cello and Spencer Wittkorn on the drums.
Instructor Joan Crull, graduate Trinity Callis and outside banjo and mandolin players are joining the students in the pit orchestra.
The orchestra held a few practices before the rehearsals with the cast.
“This year, we are expected to have this done all on our own,” Crull said. “We want to be ready to go.”
The pit orchestra will hold practices up until the musical’s performance on Nov. 8.
The musical cast held their matinee for the middle school students, which was the orchestra’s first performance, outside of dress rehearsals, with the cast.
“The first couple of practices were just the musicians, learning the pieces,” Crull said. “Then, after that, we are there while they are rehearsing.”
The orchestra will sit through practices until they can play along to the song, Crull said.
“We are a part of the cast,” Crull said.
Crull said she is excited for the musical and is proud of the work they have done. The members have been working hard to make the pieces performance ready.
“This is live music, it is not a sound track,” Crull said. “Live music makes the singers sound better, and just the entire production better.”
The bluegrass style is not the typical musical set list, Crull said. It is an entertaining style.
“I really love the bluegrass style of music that we are playing,” cellist Carl Rorstrom said. “I also just really enjoy being a part of something like this.”

Allison Hillebrand is a senior at Hays High. She is involved in the newspaper, DECA, orchestra, leadership and National Honor Society. She will be attending...