Juniors, seniors attend College Planning Conference
Senior Josh Norris and juniors Maddie Lohmeyer and Kallyn Petz took the College Planning Conference as an opportunity to approach colleges and ask questions.
Over 50 colleges had representatives and recruiters at the College Planning Conference on Oct. 23.
Juniors and seniors from Hays High and surrounding schools were required to attend and were excused from the majority of their M4 class.
“Students were able to meet with colleges from all over the state of Kansas,” counselor Amy Miller said. “We also have some from Oklahoma and Nebraska.”
The colleges attending consisted of state, independent, community, technical and cosmetology schools as well as military recruiters.
“Three schools did presentations,” Miller said. “Fort Hays held a private session in Gym B and K-State and Kansas University both had private sessions in the music rooms.”
The presentations consisted of informing students of opportunities at the college, finances and living areas.
Colleges register with the Kansas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Office (KACRAO). There are several college planning conferences throughout the state.
“There are a lot of colleges that visited that won’t be able to come to our campus to visit,” Miller said. “The ones from Oklahoma and Nebraska and the ones from eastern Kansas, it is too far out of their range.”
These schools will not hold a private visit in Hays.
“That is why this is a great opportunity at our school, we are bringing in all of these colleges and allow our students and neighboring students to attend,” Miller said. “They get to discover colleges they wouldn’t have known about before.”

Allison Hillebrand is a senior at Hays High. She is involved in the newspaper, DECA, orchestra, leadership and National Honor Society. She will be attending...