New sign added to exterior of building
Hays High received a donation from Hess Services of a new sign to place above the music room entrance.
Recently, an Indian head sign was added to the exterior of the Hays High building.
“It was a donation from Hess Services,” principal Martin Straub said. “They are a large company, just north of town and they have a huge CNC machine.”
Hess Services offered the same addition to Thomas Marian Prep, Straub said.
“I think they have employees who support both Hays High and TMP,” Straub said. “If they were going to do it for one, they might as well do it for the other.”
Straub said the sign was made about a year ago, but was not able to be put up until Oct. 3.
“It took a lot of machinery and time that day,” Straub said. “But they got it up right before homecoming and I think that made the building look much better.”
Administration is appreciative of the donation.
“You know, the wall above the music room has always been so plain,” Straub said. “I think it really dresses the school up.”
Straub said the sign shows the name of the school from Canterbury.
“Now we have signs in three places around the school,” Straub said. “We have a lot of signs now, but we could always do something in the back. It would be nice, but we won’t be doing it in the near future.”

Allison Hillebrand is a senior at Hays High. She is involved in the newspaper, DECA, orchestra, leadership and National Honor Society. She will be attending...