Homecoming candidates announced
The 2018 Homecoming candidates were announced on Sept 17, after being selected by the senior class.
Jaysa Wichers, Brittani Park, Brooke Pflaum and Isabelle Braun
Palmer Hutchison, James VonLintel, Keaton Markley and Peyton Thorell
Pflaum said when she heard her name she was really surprised and honored that she had been selected by her peers.
“Just knowing that I got selected from my peers is what excites me most,” Pflaum said.
Braun said she knew people were voting for her, but she did not campaign for the votes.
“People told me they were going to vote for me so I was happy that I had people who liked me that much, but I didn’t go around telling people to vote for me,” Braun said. “If it’s going to happen it’s going to happen naturally.”
Pflaum said her favorite part about homecoming week was how close the classes came together while trying to win the games and the bonding between classmates.
Markley is looking forward to the Homecoming football game when the candidates get announced.
“I’ve never seen anybody get announced because I’m always in the locker room ,”Markley said. “I’m excited to experience when they announce the king and queen.”
Wichers said that her favorite part of the week is the dress up days. Wichers is also looking forward to the Homecoming parade and assembly.
“I think the most exciting part is probably going to be spending time with all the other candidates,” Braun said. “I’m really excited to be nominated with those people in particular and, just going through everything is going to be really fun because it’s an experience not everybody gets to have in high school, so I’m just really honored that I get to go through all of this. “
The candidates are busy preparing their outfits for the week, and their pictures and interviews for the candidate video that will be shown in seminar during Homecoming week.
The candidates will be paired together by height. Wichers and Hutchison, Park and VonLintel, Pflaum and Markley, and Braun and Thorell.
“I’m really happy to be nominated with these other people and if any of them were to win, I’d be happy knowing that I was up there with them and I got to see the smile on their face.” Braun said.

Rebekah Porter is a senior and this is her second year in Newspaper. She is also involved in tennis and band. She likes reading and spending time with...