Chamber Singers announced for 2018-2019 school year
The list was posted on the choir room door after school on May 17.
The Chamber Singers for the 2018-2019 school year have been chosen. Freshman, sophomores and juniors had the opportunity to audition on May 15. The results are as follows:
Girls: sophomore Sierra Adkins, junior Rebecca Anderson, freshman Alisara Ariel, freshman Eliana Buller, sophomore Hanna Dannar, sophomore Katelyn Engel, freshman Caitlin Leiker, junior Hannah McGuire, junior Brittani Park, sophomore Kari Satomi, freshman Ashley Vilaysing, and freshman Alexis White.
Boys: junior Brett Bowles, junior Garrett Cole, freshman Tom Drabkin,junior Calvin Duden, freshman Cooper Eiland, junior Hayden Giebler, sophomore Nathan Leiker, freshman Gabe McGuire, junior Carl Rorstrom, junior Cade Swayne, freshman Eythun Wyatt, junior Zac Wyse.
“I was so excited when I made it,” Dannar said. “I was so scared that I messed it up. I was so nervous that I wouldn’t get in. I decided to audition because I knew that I couldn’t be anymore not apart of the group than I already was.”

Rebekah Porter is a senior and this is her second year in Newspaper. She is also involved in tennis and band. She likes reading and spending time with...