Juniors escort seniors out

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Ushers help guide seniors throughout the ceremony.

Every year, a select group of juniors are chosen to be ushers, students who help lead the graduating seniors to their seats and help the Graduation Ceremony run smoothly.

“This year we have 24 (ushers), but I probably could do 22 with the number of graduates we have, but I do 24,” Principal Martin Straub said. “I have four people lead because if someone gets sick that morning and can’t be there, I can have a person step in from those four and still have all the people we need.”

Straub said that he chose the ushers based on grades, attendance and behavior.

“I do class ranking and 4.0s, and I go from there,” Straub said. “If the kid’s been in a lot of trouble and still have good grades then I don’t let them do it. If they have terrible attendance and a 4.0 or 3.9, then I don’t choose them.”

Junior Dezerae Kinderknecht said that she felt proud to be an usher and was looking forward to seeing graduation up close.

“I felt surprised, but good about it,” junior Gabriela Arthur said. “I was honored.”

Ushers were notified about three weeks in advance so they had time to accept or decline the opportunity.

“It rewards the kids who have done very well in our school who aren’t seniors yet,” Straub said. “It’s a nice honor.”
