March’s library ticket attracts 24 participants
This is a ticket from the March reading. The ticket for each month can be found in the books qualifying for the month.
The library’s March theme was Take a Vacation from Reality and 24 students answered questions to redeem their prizes.
Every month Librarian Erin Holder comes with a fun theme to encourage students to read. Students who participate and answer a question about the book they read correctly, receive a prize.
The freshman class had the largest number of participants which included Alicia Feyerherm, Anna Brull, Demitria Pfeifer, Sydney Walker, Franklin Owens, Alan Melendez, Kelsiy Burns, Eliana Buller, Eythun Wyatt, and Noah Sunley.
The sophomore class had the fewest participants. The participants were Hanna Danner, Destiny Brown, Sarina Williams, and Rachel Whiteley.
The junior participants were Benton McGrath, Taysia McCoy, Madeline Mewhinney, Quinn Martens-Bobbitt, and Alex Miller
The senior participants included Tay Otte, Madison Schmidt, Analyse Claude, Noah Vaughn and Sarah Wyse.
The participants drew for their prizes. The prizes included five-dollar gift cards for Vernies, Taco Shop, Thirstys and JD’s Chicken, coupons for free pizza from Pizza Hut and Lomatos, and free drinks from Sonic, Indian Grounds, Cervs and Mokas.
“Mrs. Folkerts actually helped me come up with the idea because I was just stumped for March,” Holder said. “After my two awesome ones that had a really good comeback, I needed something other than March into a Good Book, so she brainstormed with me a little bit. She told me about the Take a Vacation from Reality and how we should coincide it with the spring break. So, we kinda did a Luau theme in here which was a lot of fun to create.”
April’s theme is Dealer’s Choice which means any book counts for the prizes.
“Anybody that comes into the library and wants to check out a book can participate in this month, so you can get anything,” Holder said. “You can get a poetry book, a biography book, a non-fiction book, a sports book, anything and I will come up with questions for it, and you’ll be able to redeem it.”

Rebekah Porter is a senior and this is her second year in Newspaper. She is also involved in tennis and band. She likes reading and spending time with...