Senior Tana Herreman wins Poetry Out Loud competition

Herreman competed against sophomore Calista Isbell.
Senior Tana Herreman has the chance to compete for a scholarship due to winning the local Poetry Out Loud competition. Herreman said it didn’t take much convincing for her to sign up.
“Mrs. Wagoner told me to sign up and so I did,” Herreman said. “I’m in Forensics, so I compete in public speaking quite often. I figured I could make some money for it for a change.”
Herreman that while she had plenty of time to prepare, she left it to the last minute and was close to dropping out.
“I was very unprepared and so I was going to quit,” Herreman said. “However, another contestant had already dropped which would’ve left only one contestant. I felt morally obligated to stick with it.”
All contestants were asked to prepare two poems and memorize them accordingly. Herreman performed ‘Love Song’ by Dorothy Parker and ‘Video Blues’ by Mary Jo Salter. Both were comedic pieces, a genre that Herreman is very comfortable with.
“I have a very sarcastic nature,” Herreman said. “I enjoy humor and my poems showcase that.”
Herreman said her experience with Forensics helped her nerves when it came to competing.
“I was used to performing for judges,” Herreman said. “It was pretty much the same as when you perform for Forensics.”
Regional contest is Jan. 27 and Herreman said that she will try to be better prepared for this contest.
“I’m memorizing my poems this time around,” Herreman said.”I’m planning to use more actions and more emotion.”
Herreman encourages anyone to try and compete.
“It’s not hard to do,” Herreman said. “You can win money by just saying words, and it’s a good experience for the judgement you will undoubtedly face later in your life.”

This is Amiyah Gonzalez. She is a senior and this is her third year on the newspaper staff. She is involved in orchestra, leadership team, musical, spring...