Chamber Singers perform at St. Fidelis Basilica
Chamber singers performed “de King is Born” and “My Lord has Come” in the Cathedral of the Plains.
On Sunday, Dec. 3, the Chamber Singers performed at the Cathedral of the Plains. The concert went fantastic and was very well directed, said senior Michael Hernandez.
“The pieces we did this year weren’t as difficult as the previous year, but performing them went well,” senior Kayla Satomi said. “Everything sounded great in that church. I especially enjoyed listening to the Fort Hays Singers. Our choir sounds good, but we don’t have the tone or control the college choir does.
“Hearing music performed at that level is always inspiring. I loved performing ‘My Lord Has Come,’ there is so much emotion in that piece, and it was beautiful in the cathedral.”

This is Dawson Rooney. He is a senior and this is his first year in newspaper. Outside of newspaper he is involved in Orchestra, Chamber Singers, Web Team,...