KMEA District Choir qualifiers announced
Students who have qualified KMEA District Choir have been announced. The group is to perform on Dec. 2, along with the District Orchestra and Band. The results are as follows:
Seniors Eric Adams, Brittany Espinosa, Micheal Hernandez, Madison Karlin, Adam Klausmeyer, Shelby Knoll, Lucy Lin, Taylor Lobato, Erin Muirhead,Kourtney Muench, Taya Randle, Emily Ricke, Dawson Rooney, Kayla Satomi, Levi Smith and Ryan Will.
Juniors Rebecca Anderson, Brett Bowles, Garrett Cole, Hayden Giebler, Madison Lisman, Hannah McGuire, Brittani Park, Cade Swayne, Zac Wyse and Paige Zamecnik.
Sophomores Sierra Adkins, Katelyn Engel, Nathan Leiker and Kari Satomi.
Freshmen Alisara Arial, Eliana Buller, Ean Dexter, Caitlin Lieker, Kayson Unsworth, Daylen Vaughn, Alexis White and Eythun Wyatt.

This is Amiyah Gonzalez. She is a senior and this is her third year on the newspaper staff. She is involved in orchestra, leadership team, musical, spring...
Nathan Leiker • Nov 10, 2017 at 7:35 am
Amiyah, I’m a Sophmore… thought you should know.