Students prepare for district and state auditions
District/State Auditions for the vocal music program take place Saturday, Nov. 4 at Hays High. The 42 students auditioning will perform an excerpt from each of the three chosen pieces of music.
The three chosen audition pieces are “Way Over in Beulah Lan’” arranged by Stacey V. Gibbs, “Flight Song” music by Kim André Arnesen, with words by Euan Tait, and “Sing On! Dance On!” by Clarissa Jacobs and arranged by Christopher Aspaas.
Among the 42 auditioning students there are 17 seniors, 11 juniors, five sophomores and eight freshmen.
The 17 auditioning seniors are Eric Adams, Alexie Chairez, Brittany Espinosa, Micheal Hernandez, Madison Karlin, Adam Klausmeyer, Shelby Knoll, Lucy Lin, Kourtney Muench, Erin Muirhead, Taya Randle, Emily Ricke, Dawson Rooney, Kayla Satomi, Levi Smith, Ryan Will and Sarah Wyse.
The 11 auditioning juniors are Rebecca Anderson, Brett Bowles, Garrett Cole, Hayden Giebler, Madison Lisman, Hannah McGuire, Alycia McVay, Brittani Park, Cade Swayne, Zac Wyse and Page Zamecnik.
The five auditioning sophomores are Sierra Adkins, Marie-Lyn Castaing, Katelyn Engel, Nathan Leiker and Kari Satomi.
The eight auditioning freshmen are Alisara Arial, Eliana Buller, Ean Dexter, Caitlin Leiker, Kayson Unsworth, Daylen Vaughn Alexis White, and Eythun Wyatt.
“I have made district three times and State twice,” senior Ryan Will said. “But that doesn’t mean I need to do less, I am going to prepare just as much this year as I have in years past. Best of luck to all those auditioning and I hope that everyone does their best and has fun.”

This is Dawson Rooney. He is a senior and this is his first year in newspaper. Outside of newspaper he is involved in Orchestra, Chamber Singers, Web Team,...