Astra Bank holds tailgate at football game

Astra Bank employees serve food at tailgate.
Astra Bank of Hays hosted a freewill donation tailgate for the football game against Garden City.
All of the proceeds collected from the tailgate was given back to the high school.
“I think it is a great thing for them to do. It helps us out and I hope the high school puts the funds it receives to good use,” sophomore Adrian Drees said.
The tail gate was a success according to Astra Bank employee Hillary Cenord.
“We have partnered with USD 489 all of this year and the past couple years,” Cenord said “This is kind of our debit card promotion and we just thought let’s have a tail gate and all the funds will go back to the school.”
The tailgate drew a sizable crowd to the tent that the bank put up. They offered chips, hotdogs, hamburgers, cookies, and water.
“This is our first year doing this tailgate hopefully next year we will be invited back and we might change it up,” Cenord said.

Hanna Dannar is a sophomore, and this is her first year in Newspaper. During the school year, she is also involved with vocal, Musical, and Girls Swimming....