Select students qualify for Dane Hansen scholarships

Every year the Dane G Hansen foundation gives out scholarships to high school seniors in Northwest Kansas. This year they are giving out a total of 280 scholarships, 260 of which are available to high school seniors.
Before determining what scholarship a student may or may not receive, the student must take the Hansen Academic Scholarship Test. To be eligible to take the test a student must have a composite score of 21 or higher on the ACT test, and a 3.50 GPA. It is also suggested that students participate in extracurricular school and community activities as well as display good citizenship and active leadership and moral integrity.
After the test letters with three reference questionnaires will be sent out to those selected for interviews. Counselor Amy Miller said that students will receive their letters in mid-December with a date and time, and that the interviews are usually in February.
“The interviews are generally about 15 minutes, and the interview committee will pull questions from the student’s resume, reference forms and/or autobiography. The list of scholarship recipients will be released in March.”
Applicants without references will not be considered for scholarships and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the references are mailed promptly to the Hansen Foundation.
The highest scholarship awarded to ten students is the Hansen Leaders of Tomorrow. It is a $10,000 scholarship that is renewable for three additional years. Conditions for renewal include an evaluation of college transcripts, a 3.00 GPA or better at the college level, and a letter describing progress towards educational goals.
The second scholarship awarded to Fifty people is the Hansen Scholar. It is a $6,500 scholarship that is also renewable for three additional years under the same conditions as the Hansen leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship.
The third scholarship awarded to 100 students is the Hansen Student. It is a $4,000 scholarship that is renewable for one additional year provided the student has achieved at least a 3.00 GPA at the college level.
The other scholarship available to high school seniors is the Career and Technical Education Scholarship. This scholarship does not require a 3.50 GPA and there is no qualifying test. This scholarship does require the applicant to obtain and submit an application as well as three letters of reference to the Dane Hansen Foundation. Recipients must enroll in a career or technical education program that does not lead to a four-year degree.
“It is projected the number of skilled workers is going to increase in the next several years,” Miller said. “By the year 2020, 71 percent of the Kansas workforce will need some post-secondary education.”
The Career and Technical Education Scholarship is a $4,000 scholarship available to 100 students and renewable for one year as long as the student maintains a 3.00 GPA at the college level and completes satisfactory work as evaluated by the scholarship committee.
“The HHS Class of 2017 received 35 Dane Hansen Scholarships,” Miller said. “Two students won the Leaders of Tomorrow–$10,000 for four years; nine students were awarded the Hansen Scholar–$6,500 for four years; nineteen students received the Hansen Student–$4,000 for two years; and five won the Career and Technical–$4,000 for two year. Assuming each student maintains the required GPA, the scholarships can be renewed for a grand total of $506,000.”

This is Dawson Rooney. He is a senior and this is his first year in newspaper. Outside of newspaper he is involved in Orchestra, Chamber Singers, Web Team,...