Spring Play auditions begin tonight
Auditions for the 2017 Spring Play, “12 Angry Jurors”, will begin immediately after school until 5:30 p.m.
Students who returned their parent informational and agreement form should have received an email from Spring Play director, Bill Gasper, about their scheduled audition time. Be sure to turn in the student information form before auditioning today.
After making initial cuts, a call back list will be emailed to students. Call backs will take place Dec. 14.
The cast requires 13 actors, either men or women, and two or three stage crew members. If any students are interested in auditioning as a cast member or serving as a member of stage crew, they must attend this meeting.
“12 Angry Jurors” focuses on a jury’s deliberations in a capital murder case. A 12-man jury is sent to begin deliberations in the first-degree murder trial of an 18-year-old man accused in the stabbing death of his father, where a guilty verdict means an automatic death sentence.
If you have any questions, contact Bill Gasper at bgasper@usd489.com

Anniston Weber is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Guidon and a senior this year. She has been involved with the Guidon for three years. In addition to being...