Student raises money for future education by online fundraising

Fundraising has always been a useful way to acquire money when it’s needed, and now the internet is taking fundraising to a whole new level. The site GoFundMe is becoming popular amongst people everywhere who need help raising money for things like school trips, education, and health.
Senior Morgan Boeger has an account to help out with her future.
“My GoFundMe is for fees that can’t be covered by loans,” Boeger said. “It’s really helpful, and I think I’ll be able to get some books with it. So far, I’ve raised $175. That’s after posting about it only once.”
Donators can be anyone across the world who would happen to stumble across one’s page.
“The people who donated were pretty big supporters of education,” Boeger said.
The site does deduct some interest from final funds.
“It’s easy to use,” Boeger said. “But they do take a little over seven percent from the amount upon withdrawal.”
Students can find Boeger’s page here.

Madison Crees is in her third year of newspaper. She is honored to be serving as Co-Editor in Chief. Madison, commonly known as Maddie, is involved in...