Scholar’s Bowl competes at regionals
Scholar’s Bowl competed at regionals yesterday. Winning four matches out of seven, they will not advance onto state competition.
“We didn’t do as well at regionals as we had hoped,” said freshman Lacey Gregory. “But now we know what we need to do differently next year. Overall I thought we had a good season.”
Sophomore Hannah Norris believes the team did well under their circumstances.
“I feel like I personally could have done better, but as a team we did alright,” Norris said. “The questions were pretty tough and the teams we were up against were very hard to compete with. we kept nicely, and I’ll always remember hanging out in the back of the suburban on the way to meets this year.”
Scholar’s Bowl has high hopes for their next season. The varsity team consists of only juniors, sophomores, and freshmen. The team may be subject to change or next year, but has a high possibility of staying the same.
“The matches we lost were all only by a small amount,” said junior Trenton Potter. “I am disappointed we didn’t do better, but I’m not too bummed out because it’ll be the same team next year and we’ll do really well.”

Madison Crees is in her third year of newspaper. She is honored to be serving as Co-Editor in Chief. Madison, commonly known as Maddie, is involved in...