Fall blood drive to take place Nov. 14
The time has come for the fall blood drive. StuCo, paired with the American Red Cross, throws a blood drive every semester. This fall’s will take place on Friday, Nov. 14.
If students wish to donate a pint of blood, they must follow certain requirements.
“I know the student has to be at least 16 to donate,” sophomore StuCo member Sierra Eichman said. “Sixteen-year-olds must have parent’s consent. If you’re 17 or older, you can decide for yourself.”
Donators must also be over the weight of 120 pounds.
“All a person has to know to donate blood is their blood type,” sophomore StuCo member Joslyn Dinkel said. “And even that can be figured out later.”
There are many benefits to donating.
“The benefits of donating blood is saving 5 lives,” Dinkel said. “And having the satisfaction of giving something to somebody who needs it.”
After donating, students will possibly feel woozy and light-headed. It is crucial to stay very hydrated throughout the day, before giving blood. As well as getting a balanced meal in, before.
“I’ve never felt light headed afterwards,” junior donator Rachel Nansel said. “The people running the program always make sure you’re ok before you go back to class.”
StuCo urges students to not rule out donating just because there may be some short-lived side effects.
“It’s extremely important,” Dinkel said. “Every person has 10 pints of blood; therefore a person shouldn’t give a second thought to donating one.”
Students can sign up for donating on the school website, with their choice of time, up until Nov. 11.
“It’s all really professional,” Nansel said. “I think it’s worth a try.”

Madison Crees is in her third year of newspaper. She is honored to be serving as Co-Editor in Chief. Madison, commonly known as Maddie, is involved in...