A new open questionnaire has made an appearance on the school website. “Ask Angela” is a new question and answer forum made for Hays High. In the bio tab of the website, the mastermind behind the forum mentions that they “used to be a column writer for many different newspapers in the state of Kansas.”
Also mentioned is their expertise in teenage psychology.
When a question sent in asking, “What motivated you to create this forum?”
The response was this, “After studying teenage psychology, I figured I could give back to the community by answering any questions you may have. Hays High’s website is an excellent source of information and happenings. By creating this forum, I believe I can contribute to you all immensely.”
Students’ reactions vary widely, from encouragement, to disappointment.
“I think it’s really interesting,” freshman Brandon Davidson said. “I can help people with their problems. I might send in a question. I’m sure some people will take is seriously. It’s always good to have someone to talk to if you’re having issues.”
The questions that have been asked include the range of “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” to, “I really want to grow up to help the world, but the people I see around me can be so terrible. I’m not sure there is anything I could do to help or if the world even deserves any help. What do you think?”
“I don’t think it will be taken seriously,” junior Aaron Jacobs said. “People will just send in random questions without any importance. I know I probably won’t send in a question.”
Sending in a question is simple, only an email address is required.
“I get the feeling that knowing the people that go to our school, it’s going to be a big joke,” senior Faith Burdine said. “This could be good for the school. I think I’d maybe send in a question, if I could do it anonymously.”