High school is seen by many as the time of discovering yourself and having important encounters in life. A large and also cliché part of these experiences and times are relationships. The relationships in high school can range from the generic two-week-flings to the lifelong high school sweethearts.
In these confusing and ground-breaking teenage years, a relationship can be helpful or hurtful. A website branch-off of teen.webmd.com offers some insights for those teenagers interested in a relationship or involved in one.
The first and most important tip given is that teenagers need to take their time in a relationship. Rushing into an intimate romance can cause heartbreak or worse. Another tip offered is that teens should give love time to grow.
Another common ideal offered, not only on this website, but throughout many teachings for high-school-aged students, is that one should protect themselves from pressure. As stated on the website, “Many students say they’ve never been pressured into a relationship or action they didn’t want.” More tips are given within this one, including avoiding situations where peer pressure might cause more to be expected of one than one is willing to give.
Age is a big factor in high school relationships. With the amount of maturation that occurs between the different grades and ages, dating someone of a similar age makes the peer pressure lessened.
The final tip given is that teenagers should find a person who likes them for who they are and truly cares for them in return. A relationship where one of the people involved is always second-guessing things about them self isn’t “considered a healthy relationship.”