Directed by Samantha Jayne and Arturo Perez Jr., “Mean Girls” was released in the United States on Jan. 12.
The new movie is a remake of the original “Mean Girls” movie that was released in 2004 and is based on the Broadway musical version of the movie. The original movie, the musical and the new movie were written by Tina Fey.
The 2024 adaptation of the story stays true to the original movie, including all the same main characters and the same basic storyline, while also possessing musical elements. The movie follows the story of 16 -year-old Cady Heron, who enters North Shore High School after being homeschooled all her life while her mother worked in Kenya. She quickly falls into a group of girls known as the “Plastics.” The rest of the movie shares Cady’s story as she navigates school life and new experiences.
Like any movie, “Mean Girls” has already received much criticism and praise.
Many critics point out that the movie has a lot of awkward moments and that the acting often feels forced. Some also feel that many of the jokes in the movie struggle to land and that the musical aspect was unnecessary.
People who enjoyed the movie thought that the musical numbers made the movie more than just a complete remake of the original. They also felt that the jokes made in the movie were relevant and inclusive.
Even though the movie undoubtedly had its flaws, I found it to be a somewhat enjoyable movie. I appreciated that all of the original characters were kept in the new movie, and I thought they were cast very well. While I liked that the script was kept very similar to the original, I do think the musical numbers were a bit cheesy, and I do not think they added much to the movie. There were a couple of jokes that were cringey, but the movie does a decent job at depicting a modern-day high school, with some exaggerations. Overall, I would give the movie a 6.5/10.