‘Jersey Shore’ provides entertainment despite its debatable reputation

The first episode of “Jersey Shore” was released on Dec. 3, 2009. The show is now available on Hulu.
The 2009 television show “Jersey Shore,” which is available now on Hulu, is more entertaining than one may want to admit.
The series begins with eight different individuals who come specifically from Italian descent. They are taken to Seaside Heights, N.J., over the summer, where they all live together in the same house, or the “Jersey Shore House,” for about two months. They work at an establishment in order to stay at the Jersey Shore house. Throughout the series, the group changes locations, including living in Miami, Florida and Florence, Italy.
And, of course, an abundance of drama ensues. The cast goes to clubs almost every night, members in the house develop feelings for one another, multiple physical fights occur, pranks cause problems within the group and more.
At first, you see the house members’ behavior as ridiculous, but as you continue to watch, you begin to empathize with them.
When I first started watching “Jersey Shore,” I expected it to be just another reality show. Although it is a reality show, it was much more entertaining that one would expect. The difference in lingo and social interactions just from 11 years ago is interesting to learn about. Each house member’s personality is unique and spastic, making the show unpredictable.
The difference in the time between when the show was recorded and the present makes it more interesting to find out where the cast is now. It was long enough ago that the members have grown in maturity and created new lives for themselves, but also recent enough that they are all still alive.
“Jersey Shore” seems like the stereotypical reality show, and maybe it is, but it is definitely the best one out there. “Jersey Shore” is the base of reality TV.

McKena McBride is a senior, and this is her third year in newspaper. She is involved in tennis, StuCo, National Honor Society, Leadership, Yearbook, Red...