Quarantine affects student sleeping patterns
The stay at home order has affected student’s sleeping schedules more than one would assume.
Since the national “quarantine” has begun, students have suffered a change in their sleeping patterns.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, students being stuck at home, especially with low levels of natural light, may reduce light-based cues of wakefulness and sleep, known as zeitgebers. These are crucial to people’s Circadian rhythms.
A student poll revealed about 32.5 percent of students have gone to bed one to two hours later than normal since the quarantine has begun, while 29.9 percent have gone to bed five or more hours later.
“I go to bed at 4 a.m. and wake up around 12 p.m. to 1 or 2 p.m.,” senior Trae Woolsey said. “I’ve got no good reason to do it; it’s just happened.”
Senior Hanna Dannar agreed that her sleeping schedule has been affected by the extra time at home.
“Since the quarantine has started, I have been routinely staying up past 5 a.m.,” Dannar said.
Dannar said she is not used to not having a full schedule and she feels she requires less sleep to feel energized.
“I am doing a fraction of what I am used to doing,” Dannar said. “Now, the most excitement I get in the day is going upstairs to the kitchen to make some mac and cheese.”
A reason students’ sleeping schedule may suffer could be caused by excess screen time. The light from screens can suppress the brain’s natural production of melatonin, a hormone made to help people sleep. This can have a detrimental impact on one’s sleep.
Dannar said she believes the changes in her sleeping patterns will have no long-term effect on her.
“I have gone through multiple different sleep schedules during my career as a high school student due to my involvement in different activities throughout the years, and it always works its way back to a normal schedule,” Dannar said.
The situation at hand has caused a change in our daily routine, including our sleeping schedules. Although students seem to be going sleepless, the changes we ensue now will affect us all differently in the future.

McKena McBride is a senior, and this is her third year in newspaper. She is involved in tennis, StuCo, National Honor Society, Leadership, Yearbook, Red...

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