Students attend March for Life in Washington D.C.

Students stand in crowd waiting at March for Life.
Junior Nick Park, junior Sophia Garrison and senior Sophie Humphrey had the opportunity to go to the 46th March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 22-24. They went with Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) group in Hays.
According to, March for Life was the idea of Nellie Grey. It was held one year after Supreme Court legalized abortion with the decisions of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. Grey then decided that March for Life would occur every year until Roe v. Wade was overturned. The 10,000 people who attended the March 1987 walked through a blizzard on behalf of the unborn.
“I would definitely do this again, because I believe it is an experience that brings people together no matter your religion, background and beliefs,” Humphrey said.
The March for Life has been a great influence on these students’ lives.
“The impact it’s had on me is to see how many people are out there fighting for this cause,” Park said.
Those at the March for Life fight for pro-life rights and anti-abortion alternatives.
“I am pro-life to fight for the unborn children that deserve a chance to live,” Park said.
Students who attended agreed that they would like to attend again.
“My favorite part of the experience was seeing people from all over come together and support and fight for what they believe in,” Humphrey said. “It didn’t matter where you came from; everyone was there to march for the same cause.”

Maysyn Tippy is a sophomore and second-year reporter for The Guidon. In her free time, Maysyn loves spending time with her amazing friends and family....