Engineering Manager for the Denver Broncos speaks to students on Nov. 8
During PRIDE Time, Brett Seibel talks to students about being an Engineering Manager for the Denver Broncos in the Lecture Hall. Seibel was with the Denver Broncos for 15 seasons.
On Nov. 8, the Engineering Manager for the Denver Broncos, Brett Seibel, spoke to students about his occupation during PRIDE Time.
Seibel works at Empower Field at Mile High Stadium, the home of the National Football League’s Denver Broncos. Some of the other roles he has had are Facilities Supervisor, Assistant Operations Manager, Site and Facility Manager and Project Manager.
Seibel is originally from Ellis and received a bachelor’s degree in Recreational Sports Management from Fort Hays State University. He secured his internship from the Denver Broncos shortly after graduating and has been with them for 15 seasons.
“I really wanted to get into professional sports, and growing up in Western Kansas, probably like Hays, there’s a good amount of Bronco fans because Denver is not too far away, and same with Kansas City,” Seibel said. “So, I have an aunt and uncle in Colorado brainwashing me early to be a Bronco fan.”
Although, Seibel was a Denver Broncos fan, he was not set on having an internship with them.
“I remember firing off hundreds of resumes just to random people of different teams,” Seibel said. “I know I hit every NFL team, and it was always radio silent. I never heard back. I remember one day going and checking my mail, and I had a rejection from the St. Louis Rams at the time. I thought it was so cool I got this letter from the Rams, even though it was a rejection letter.”
Seibel mentioned how he hit the Broncos hard with resumes and sent several to them. Eventually, Seibel received a voicemail from the Denver Broncos and eventually got an internship through them.
After the internship, Seibel tried working at a YMCA in Wichita, but it just did not feel right for him. So, he went back to Denver and worked a part-time job in Guest Relations. In 2007, he received his first full-time gig working for the Denver Broncos as a Facility Supervisor. Eventually, Seibel worked his way up to be an Engineering Manager.
“I receive all of the technical trades, which include electrician, HVAC, general maintenance, and I oversee projects,” Seibel said. “Right now, we are working on renovation in the locker room, so that’s one of my projects.”
They are also working on renovations on the south side of the stadium to generate money by adding a Hyatt hotel and a Denver Broncos Museum.
“Never give up,” Seibel said. “If there’s something you want to do, then do it. Don’t let anybody tell you there’s something you can’t do. You can do anything you put your mind to.”

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